Dear people who tried to drown their demons and found their demons can swim,
Did you try tying their arms?
Or attaching weights?
Or anything else that drowning usually involves?
Because I'm pretty sure that most people who try to drown others do something to make sure the victim drowns, because they assume their victims can swim.
If you tried to drown them simply by putting them in water, did you at least push them off the side of a large ship so your demons would have to climb up the side of the ship to get back?
Did you push them off of a speedboat so you could get away quickly?
Did you try tying their arms?
Or attaching weights?
Or anything else that drowning usually involves?
Because I'm pretty sure that most people who try to drown others do something to make sure the victim drowns, because they assume their victims can swim.
If you tried to drown them simply by putting them in water, did you at least push them off the side of a large ship so your demons would have to climb up the side of the ship to get back?
Did you push them off of a speedboat so you could get away quickly?
Or if you really want to get the job done:
Did you try to drown them by hanging them upside-down over their own sink like Zemo did on Civil War? That way, their ability to sink wouldn't really matter that much.
-A Demon Hunter (what did you expect my first name meant?)
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