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Cap Shouldn't Have Dropped His Shield

Am I the only person who thinks Cap shouldn't have dropped his shield at the end of Captain America: Civil War?

Here's how I always picture the conversation going:

Tony: "That shield doesn't belong to you."
[me: "Uh... yes it does. It was given to him. That's how exchange of property works."]
Tony: "You don't deserve it."
[me: "Uh... yes, he does. He uses his shield to fight terrorists and protect his best friend from being murdered by Starks for crimes he didn't commit of his own free will."]
Tony: "My father made that shield."
[me: "He made it specifically for Cap."]
Tony: "You've been a jerk to me!"
[me: "That's rich, coming from you. Now Cap should go home WITH his shield and his best friend, then write you a reverse-break-up letter. Hope you get a best friend soon... or at least a surrogate son. Wait... Cap? Why are you dropping the shield! Pick up that shield! We all know you're going to have another one the next movie where we see you. So you pick that shield up right now young man.]


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