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Tom Riddle's Diary Entries

I feel like there was a really long time when Tom Riddle was trapped in the diary and just writing things like:

"Hello? Anyone there?"

"Might as well work on my penmanship. Harry Potter... HARRY POTTER... harry potter..."

"Oh, look! I can draw a pinata!"

"Day 8,676. Still 16 years old. Did nothing today."

"'I wanna be where the people are... I wanna see, wanna see them dying...' Filthy muggle song..."

"Hey, guys! I can write in Helvetica now! Oh, right. No one can hear me."

*draws dark mark*
*draws wand touching dark mark*
"Maybe it'll work on the 243rd try."

"I wonder if any of the other books can write? Nope. They've got all their words written in already. Right. I'm not a book."

"Day 10,435. Invented a new curse today. Remind me to use it if I ever get out. Still 16 years old."


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