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Inception Plot Hole

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In Inception, Cobb says no one can legally get him back to the US because of what he's done. What on earth did Cobb do that made him so sure that nobody in the word could do anything to get him back into the US legally? Couldn't someone have pulled strings or get Cobb a new identity? What was his crime, anyway?

He's engaged in corporate espionage full-time since around the time of his marriage, but apparently he managed to stay undetected during the film and before the film, so apparently corporate espionage wasn't the crime.
They make it sound like what he did was commit the inception that led to his wife's death.
Mal and Cobb both consented to the dreamshare, and Cobb's intent was not to kill Mal. At worst, he committed 3rd-degree manslaughter - he woke someone up from a coma in a way that would accidentally lead to that person's suicide. That shouldn't be a crime that would cause Cobb to get exiled from the entire country.
He could have been exiled from the US because of corporate espionage performed in too many states, but after several years in other countries, shouldn't he be able to create a new identity, come back into the states legally, then legally adopt his children under his new identity? Or at least create a new identity illegally? Isn't that what they do in heist movies?


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